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When the Universe Cracks:

Living as God’s People in Times of Crisis
(Kingdom Conversations)

Angie Ward (Editor)


Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: NavPress
Publish Date: October 5, 2021
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1641584092
ISBN-13: 978-1641584098

When the Universe Cracks gives readers a faith-based framework for understanding the complexities our world and the church faced after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. It’s a timely and important book because it is honest, convicting, practical, and hopeful. When we are hit by life’s disasters, it can be tempting to view our suffering as something to avoid or defeat. Instead, the book’s authors encourage us to view disasters with Kingdom vision. Through the framework of the gospel, we can most fully process our pain, lament (alone and with others), serve those in need, and heal from trauma. As someone who studies disasters and has also lived through Hurricane Katrina and my own cancer diagnosis, I highly recommend this book.

— Jamie Aten
Founder and Co-Director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute
at Wheaton College

Global conflicts, civil unrest, fallen leaders, health crises, financial meltdowns―the world is ripe with strife. When we face unexpected personal crises or when society around us seems to be collapsing, we wonder: Why is this happening? Can God be trusted?

Who can I trust to help me follow Jesus through this current crisis?

When the Universe Cracks is a sweeping, multifaceted look at the role of crisis in the life of faith from an esteemed gathering of pastors, faith leaders, and experts. You’ll find honest and realistic reflections to help you navigate a present trouble or anticipate changes. Inspired by a global pandemic, these writers examine the whole history of God’s people and offer a fresh perspective for every time the universe cracks.

Scholar and church leader Angie Ward facilitates this energizing and fascinating discussion. Thought leaders Jo Anne Lyon, Efrem Smith, Christine Jeske, D. A. Horton, Kyuboem Lee, Marshall Shelley, Matt Mikalatos, Sean Gladding, Catherine McNiel, and Lee Eclov each contributed a chapter.

When the Universe Cracks is the first in a series of Kingdom Conversations, books that bring together experts and faith leaders to address the most urgent and perplexing challenges of our time in resonant and redemptive ways for each of us and all of us.


Angie Ward

Angie Ward is a leadership teacher and writer with over 30 years of ministry experience in church, parachurch, nonprofit, and educational contexts. She is an award-winning contributor to Christianity Today leadership publications and a highly regarded teacher and speaker. A sportswriter in a previous life, Angie and her husband live in Denver, where she serves as Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Denver Seminary.


When the Universe Cracks gives readers a faith-based framework for understanding the complexities our world and the church faced after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. It’s a timely and important book because it is honest, convicting, practical, and hopeful. When we are hit by life’s disasters, it can be tempting to view our suffering as something to avoid or defeat. Instead, the book’s authors encourage us to view disasters with Kingdom vision. Through the framework of the gospel, we can most fully process our pain, lament (alone and with others), serve those in need, and heal from trauma. As someone who studies disasters and has also lived through Hurricane Katrina and my own cancer diagnosis, I highly recommend this book.

— Jamie Aten,
Founder and Co-Director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute
at Wheaton College

We are sorting out our lives amid unprecedented disruption, loss, and crisis―a true crack-in-the-universe moment. With much wisdom, global experience, passion for the goodness of God, and a love for Christ’s Kingdom, the fine leaders in this compendium guide us through this perilous landscape. Use this book as a guide to the Kingdom conversations we must have to be moved forward into God’s future.

David Fitch
B. R. Lindner Chair of Evangelical Theology
at Northern Seminary

To live in a fallen world is to live in a world full of crises. Although we live with that truth, it is still difficult to live into that reality. To help lean into the pain and discomfort of living in a cracked universe, Angie Ward assembled a diverse team to speak to the issue of living―not just surviving―as God’s people in times of crisis. My hope is that God will use this project to help people understand, process, and faithfully proceed from whatever crisis they face now or may face in the future.

— Ed Stetzer
Executive Director of Wheaton College Billy Graham Center